
Posts Tagged ‘IV’

By Bethsheba McGruder


“Her birth was emotional and extremely peaceful, we are in heaven.” Beyonce




Blue. We welcome you Blue Ivy.


One of the greatest gifts to an artist is to express himself, the emotional, intense high of giving birth and becoming a mother and father. If you take a moment to walk in another man shoes, wouldn’t you secure the whole floor? If you were rich for the day, would you deliberately inconvenience others because you had it like that? If you were rich and free to think, act, and be, who and whatever you wanted to be and open any business that you day dreamed, wouldn’t you do it? If you had so much joy inside of you how would you express it?


That’s what being financially and mentally free does. Seeing in the mind what you want as a reality. Now imagine if you stuck to what you were born to do, you too could be rich?

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